About This Site

Dear viewers,

Welcome to my blog site "THE HORRIBLE GHOST". We can see everything what happens before our eyes. But we don’t know there are some mystery what we can’t see in our open eyes, but can feel. This is one type of abstract evilly strength. Most of the people indicate it as superstition. But a man who face such kind of situation, he believes it. Most of the incidences happened in Bangladesh. The stories of this blogsite are mostly collected from a popular radio program of Bangladeshi favorite radio station "RADIO FOORTI 88.0". Thank you RADIO FOORTI. I published those stories which really happened in Bangladesh. Hope all the viewers will be enjoyed. You are earnestly requested to share your personal horrible incidence if you face in your life. Just mail me at syedkamrulhasan@yahoo.com. I will try to publish it with your name and address. So don’t forget to write about your address. Stay & enjoy with THE HORRIBLE GHOST. Thank you for visiting my site.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Dad is around me

By Tanim

My father has died a few months ago. Now I live with my elder sister “Tamanna”. My brother in law is in abroad. So she is alone. And I need to stay with her...
We had spent most of the day talking about Dad. My father has died at the age of 49 because of fuddled alcohol. We did not have a very dearly relationship with him because he abused us when he was fully drunk. However, we finally decided to sleep together on her bed at late night. The bedroom was on the 1st floor of the two storied building. The stair was near to the bedroom. We switched the light off and said ‘goodnight’ I closed my eyes. Just then I heard a low sound coming out from the corridor. The sound was not clear. So I went to find the sound. After few minutes, I heard the sound clearly. That sound was like footsteps of a person in the corridor. It was nearly 2 am. The footsteps paced from one end to another of the corridor. The sound was creaky. When I arrived at the corridor, the the sound was stopped. I found nothing. I stay there for a while. Nothing happened. I had decided to try to sleep. I came back to the room and concentrated on my sleep. Just as I turned, my eyes off, it started again in the same style. Pacing from one end to another of the corridor. I went there again with a torch light, but I didn’t see anything. I asked my sister if she heard anything and she replied “yes, sounds of footstep!” But she didn't worry about it, because I heard her softly snoring. The sounds stopped for a while, then started it up again. This continued till 4:30am.
We got up early in the morning because some guests came to my sister’s home. I asked my sister again if she had really heard the footsteps coming out from the corridor, and she replied again “yes,” Still I think who was that? My Dad or somebody else…
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