About This Site

Dear viewers,

Welcome to my blog site "THE HORRIBLE GHOST". We can see everything what happens before our eyes. But we don’t know there are some mystery what we can’t see in our open eyes, but can feel. This is one type of abstract evilly strength. Most of the people indicate it as superstition. But a man who face such kind of situation, he believes it. Most of the incidences happened in Bangladesh. The stories of this blogsite are mostly collected from a popular radio program of Bangladeshi favorite radio station "RADIO FOORTI 88.0". Thank you RADIO FOORTI. I published those stories which really happened in Bangladesh. Hope all the viewers will be enjoyed. You are earnestly requested to share your personal horrible incidence if you face in your life. Just mail me at syedkamrulhasan@yahoo.com. I will try to publish it with your name and address. So don’t forget to write about your address. Stay & enjoy with THE HORRIBLE GHOST. Thank you for visiting my site.


Monday, June 6, 2011

What is in My Apartment?

By Tahera
Boira, Khulna.

I with my four years old daughter, Shaila shifted on an apartment in Boira. We only two people lived there. Because me and my husband had divorced. The apartment building was close to my mom. It was small but a nice one. We lived there for about a month. Now I will share you that why I left that beautiful house in the short time.
One day I was cooking in the kitchen. I didn’t allow my daughter to come in the kitchen, because I was afraid if she comes to the kitchen, she would get burnt. Anyway, I heard my cell phone was ringing. When I was leaving the kitchen to receive the phone, I heard footsteps of a young child behind me. That sound was so silent that that it had no socks or shoes on. I didn’t turn back to look because I was sure it was Shaila, my daughter. But the footstep sound was unfamiliar to me. When I turned back to look in that direction there was no one there. I was shocked. I thought it was my delusion. I went into the bedroom to take my phone, but I was puzzled when I saw Shaila was sleeping on the bed. I was sure that she was spooking me. I got closer to her. But she was in a deep sleep. I dismissed the incident and went set my mind to phone.
This incident happened to me again after few days. That time also I was in the kitchen washing dishes. After a while I heard the footsteps coming towards the kitchen. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw a foggy shaped small baby standing there. This happen a few more times while we lived there. I didn’t fear from this foggy shape because that foggy figure never tried to hurt us. But that bare-footed small child was twirling in our kitchen. This is the only room where I saw the baby of the whole apartment.
I discussed with a couple of neighbors about my horrible experience. And I got the news that what happened there in the earlier time. They told me that few years ago there was an extreme fire in that flat. All the members were safely got out from that flat before fully burned except the little baby. Nobody thought about her. She died in that kitchen room. After hearing this news I was too upset for the baby. Two months later I left the house forever.
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